Robert Anderson

Professor of Law Pepperdine University School of Law

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Not knowing the difference between the requirements to pass the Bar exam in various states, it would be nice if you did a chart showing what it takes to pass the Bar in California, Delaware, New York and a few other states for comparison.

I think the stats regarding Wisconsin are skewed. Many attorneys who practice in Wisconsin have never taken a bar exam. If you graduate from Marquette or the University of Wisconsin Law School you are automatically admitted under diploma privilege. BTW I am a graduate of UW Law School however I took the California Bar in 1983 and passed it on the first try. The reason there is such a high fail rate for California is the number of ABA unaccredited graduates of California Law Schools taking the bar exam.


Thanks for the comment. It is true that Wisconsin has a diploma privilege but they also give a bar exam to non-Wisconsin grads and the passing score is very low compared to California. It is also true that the presence of non-ABA schools in California contributes a little to the low pass rate, but they are a small portion of the overall takers. The main reason the pass rate is so low is because the passing score is so high. I am writing up a short blurb on this to post soon.


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