Robert Anderson

Professor of Law Pepperdine University School of Law

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In my view, LSAC is an elitist, monopolistic institution that absolutely should not be allowed to dominate law school admissions; there should be other admissions paths—nor should they be allowed to mess with people’s gpas. The LSAT takes care of providing a universal, numerical measure of applicants. There is absolutely no bonafide need for this grossly unfair tampering. Their presence represents an artificially induced impediment to upward mobility and makes acquiring a legal education even more gratuitously depressing and difficult than it already has been made.

The truth is most of what LSAC does has almost nothing to do with the quality of legal education and the well-being of students but rather is directly tied to manufacturing prestige (driving up applications and garnering loads of money) in the form of the almost pornographic and obscene publication of law school rankings by US News.

It would be nice to live in a more relaxed, democratic, and modern world without this 18th century paranoia about lineage, rankings, and status—the very elements of elitism and bigotry. Legal education could not only be more dynamic, diverse, and reflective of the people living in the United States, but it could also be kinder and more decent, resulting in much better mental health outcomes of law students and those in cycle.

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